"Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle." Exodus 40:34
- This night is "Paramount" & "Pivotal" (chief in importance or impact; supreme; preeminent, of vital or critical importance)
- The wait is over. The shift has taken place. No struggle. It's easy.
- Another level of "BE"... Don't get so caught up in the seeking, that you don't see Him and "Be" with Him. It's so easy to miss, but so easy to access.
- New assignments for prayer are being given out
- New industries are being formed
- God is giving us blueprints in the Spirit tonight
- God says, "Lean on Me...My strength is made perfect in your weakness." God began giving us a deeper revelation of what that looks like in our lives. What is the area of your greatest weakness? See His strength as PERFECT in that place!
- Tonight there is an advancement of the Kingdom with "unusual anointing"...walk into your purpose NOW
- He will bring you before Hollywood celebrities, politicians, orphanages in India, the nations...doors open to you...
- God is giving us faith for DOMINION & faith for Signs, Wonders and Miracles!
- You proceed...I provide!!!
These words came as text messages during the meeting from Aaron's parents in Texas:
- Divine Placement...Things in the making and things to come!
- Eph. 3:6...we are "fellow heir of the same body and partakers of His promise in Christ..."
God said, "If anyone was wondering...There is NOTHING insignificant about what is going on here. Everything is changing. This is HUGE! Never the same. I have orchestrated every word, every song, every person, every outfit...in the Spirit. It looks very different than in the natural. Begin to ask me what it looks like...There is a specific 'outfit' for a specific 'purpose.' Tonight, more layers and accessories have been added for your purpose.
The angels filled the room & we all felt the tangible Presence of God!!!!