Get ready...get ready...get ready...put your seat belts on! There are legendary adventures to be had in God's Kingdom and He longs to share them with YOU! This was a word the Lord gave about the month of June, we encourage you to declare this over your lives and trust in God's ability to keep His word over your destiny.


This month life will be going in one direction and all of a sudden God will invade the scene with His breakthrough power and things will change - everything will change!

Major strongholds will fall and crumble, and dreams and prophetic words received years ago will come to pass quickly, right before our eyes.

Those things that have been assaulting us will be no more! This is the last time the enemy will have a stronghold in the area of lack. (Specifically address the area you're believing victory for.) We are going from faith to faith, victory to victory, glory to glory! Not from lack to more lack or stress to more stress. NO MORE!

This is the month of unique God set-ups, extreme creativity, and surprising Kingdom alliances!

This is the month of walking in abundant prosperity - land FLOWING in milk and honey!

This is the month to experience the culture and atmosphere of Heaven like never before!

This is the month to encounter the laughter, delight, and pleasure of Abba God like never before!

This is the month to bask in His goodness and tender affections, to know Him and His ways, and to encounter the depths of His Presence like never before!

This month everything will change - SUDDENLY!

Isaiah 65:24
- "It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear."

God is always faithful and has a great, proven track record of keeping His promises! If you are weary in waiting for His words to come to pass, remind yourself of His character, His Word and His love for you!

  • Note down the limitations that are holding you back (finances, past disappointments, unbelief etc.) and present them to Him.
  • Talk to Him about those hindrances. (He loves honesty...He's not religious!)
  • Trust Him in and with the process of seeing those words come to pass.

  • Declare His Word over your life!
    (Here are a few scriptures to get you started: II Corinthians 1:20, II Peter 1:2-4.)

  • Now begin to thank Him for the fulfillment and manifestation of those desires He's deposited in your heart!

Be sure to leave comments of what God has done for you this month and what you're expecting to see fulfilled! Your testimony of breakthrough will build someone else's faith!!


June 17th & 24th 5:00 - 7:00 pm

(Signs and Wonders In Manhattan)
Prophetic Evangelism Outreach

Manhattan, NY

June 18th 7:30 - 10:00 pm


Manhattan, NY

June 20th 6:00 - 9:00 pm

CKE Worship Team leading at the Matt Sorger Monthly Meeting

Crowne Plaza Long Island

Holtsville, NY

June 26th 12:30 - 5:30 pm

CKE Prophetic Evangelism Intensive
$10 registration fee

(15 min. from Times Square)

June 26th 7:00pm

CKE Night of Worship in New Jersey
(15 min. from Times Square)

If you would like to join us for any of these events, please email info@ckenyc.org for location and details.