Welcome to our first ever CKE BLOG. Saturday night, January 24, marked the 4th CKE Meeting. Our group of world changers grows every time we meet. We packed 26 "Presence" hungry men and women into our apartment, with room for many more!!!

New revelations and visions were birthed, a deeper wealth of knowledge and wisdom was imparted, and the hunger of God was stirred up on the inside of us like never before. We worshiped for hours and just basked in the sweet Presence of God. The passion in the room was electric!!! In remembering the believers all over the world who risk their lives to meet together and worship, as well as those who were part of seeing entire countries transformed in revival, we were all stirred with gratitude at the privilege of the time and season we are living in. New York City will be forever effected by what happens in this place!!!

Isa 45:33 says, "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel." Everything we need is ALREADY inside of us. No limits...No religious boxes...No fear...No backing down! As we step into a place of increased capacity, we are learning to access HIS creativity, designs, books, business ideas, songs, lyrics, ideas, inventions, hidden mysteries, and INSIGHTS INTO THE KINGDOM with new clarity and authority.

We prayed for the "seer" anointing to be increased and had an impartation for more dreams and visions. God often communicates in dreams that give us insight about our future and destiny, an area of needed intercession for someone else or ourselves, or even possibly an area in our lives where He wants us to grow. Go to bed with a question to Him and have a pen and journal handy. Write your dreams down when you wake up, so that you don't forget details. Thank God for "eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying" and ask Holy Spirit to give you the interpretation. He may direct you to the Word, to a particular book, or just speak directly to your spirit. Thank you Daddy for dreams and visions!

A word came for us not to be limited to the natural. God has a supernatural solution to what you think would only have a natural solution. So...DREAM BIG. God told us all, "AS BIG AS YOU CAN DREAM, I CAN GO BIGGER!!!!"

CKE is the place to think and step outside of the box in any area to which God has called you to. Maybe there is a song in your heart that you are ready to release. What about that book or screenplay that the Holy Spirit is constantly nudging you to write? Is there an invention just waiting to be birthed and discovered? There are business ideas just waiting to be unlocked from the Kingdom of Heaven. There are designs longing to be freely tapped into from the CREATOR of the Universe. This is your season to step out in the anointing and the gifts that God has given you!!!

The time is NOW. God told us that the DREAM inside of us could not be contained anymore. It is time NOW... NOW... NOW... NOW... RIGHT HERE... RIGHT NOW... RIGHT HERE... RIGHT NOW!

PLEASE POST your comments, questions, insights, dreams, pictures, and what God spoke to you or through you at CKE last Saturday.

CKE FOUNDERS ~ Aaron Horton & Johanna Macden


  1. I am truly honored to be living life with these amazing people!!!!

  2. Hey guys - The other blogs won't be this long. This one GREW because it was our first one.

  3. Phenomenal company of people who are radical for God...couldn't imagine a better life!! :) We've only just begun...

  4. Love the BLOG!!! Whoever did this thing is ANOINTED!!! Thanks for hosting all of us Aaron and Johanna - you are truly amazing women of God and I'm honored to be a part of what God is doing through CKE!!!

  5. I can't wait to see what the future holds for CKE!
