The last three CKE meetings have been rich with wisdom and revelation as we surrendered our worship as incense to the Creator of the Universe.

Here are some of the prophetic words proclaimed into the atmosphere:

- There is a Spirit of Expectancy that is opening the door for a Supernatural move of Holy Spirit.

- Song: I will go free, because "Free people free people."

- There is an open Heaven over us!

- The younger generation humbled ourselves in a prophetic act to the older generation of Generals who have gone before us to prepare the way. We surrounded them and prayed a blessing over their lives as they continue to be the Spiritual Mothers and Fathers to this generation of revivalists. They responded, by surrounding us and praying a blessing over us. It was a beautiful act of unity and LOVE!!!! God is breaking down the generational barriers as we submit to one another in love, and selflessly move together in genuine desire for His Presence.

- There are books and manuscripts in this room, just waiting to be released!

- "New territory...every place the sole of your foot shall tread...I have ALREADY given you." (Joshua 1:8)

- There is HUGE POWER that is released in the Testimony of what God has done to prophetically propel us into faith for the next opportunity to see Him move. Rev 19:10 "The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy."

- NO LIMITS!!! The "Do Not Enter" tape has been ripped off. NO LIMITS!!!

- New songs were birthed and written.

Every time we meet, the atmosphere gets richer and richer. What an honor to do Kingdom Business with amazing men and women who are sold out to a pursuit of His FACE above all else!!!


  1. CKE is off the charts!! God has been continually rocking my world and taking me into deeper levels with Him. Every meeting God is giving me a new and fresh revelation of who He is!! He is so amazing!! I love my daddy!!

  2. You could literally feel the electricity in the room as God smiled upon an eclectic group of people meeting for one purpose. Last Saturday was about Him. It was about His Face. It was about "laid low lovers" offering our adoration to the King. Awwww....there is nothing as sweet as this!!!!

  3. CKE is GOD-driven & He deserves all the glory & attention!! At the last event, His smile on us was soooo evident. I'm blown away by His ridiculous goodness & that I'm one of many who He uses to express His heart...wow so humbling & what a rich honor!!

  4. I'm praying for all of you "CKEers"! I wish I could be there, but I praise God I have found a like hearted group of people. I hope to take another trip to NY one of these days. May Father God continue to ravish His love upon all of you surrendered children. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!
