What an amazing last few weeks!!!! Can life seriously just keep getting better and better? The simple answer is "YES"...when you know who you are and WHOSE you are.

Some of the CKE crew were able to go to the Great Grace Conference in NJ with Georgian Banov, Patricia King, Heidi Baker, and many other great men and women of God. One of the key themes of the conference was "CHANGING YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH NEED." There is a place of Kingdom living where you see "need" as an opportunity..."void" as a place to create..."desert" as the Promised land...and "barrenness" as a perfect birthing chamber!

People with promise and God's "megas" favor walk into desolation and see things automatically begin to turn around because we know we were created in the image of God. The Creator of the Universe created us to do what He did and that's HUGE!

OCT. 17th - CKE

This was our 17th meeting of CKE and the sweet Presence of God filled the room with power and overwhelming love, touching everyone from ages 14 - 84. It was a night of expanding our horizons and accessing the Kingdom of Heaven without limits. There was an anointing and freedom to simply receive from the Father. A word was given about a "great propulsion of grace" giving us the ability to do more than we could ever do in the natural, not based on performance whatsoever. It's the grace of knowing nothing can separate us from His adoring love, which gives us the ability to be fearless lovers and thrive in a place of seeing natural impossibilities becoming possible.

There were accurate prophetic words given that brought freedom to those dealing with specific hindrances for nearly 20 years. It is always such a pure picture of love when God comes in to the deepest part of our weakness and floods it with His supernatural strength!

The group prayed for Cara and James as they embark on this new journey of life together. What an honor to see such an example of how Christ loves the church in this couple who are about to be married, and who are committed to Kingdom purpose with all that is within them!

The best part of the evening was when two precious first-time guests prayed the prayer of salvation
and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Oh the party that must have been going on in Heaven!!!


What if everyone actually believed what they read in the Bible? There is a group of RADICAL men and women in New York & New Jersey who really do!

One young lady, who had to drop out of school for a year, is having to work 2 jobs to survive, but knows it is strategic for the Kingdom. She also knows that maybe she was working at CVS last week to walk in the authority of the resurrection power of Jesus to declare life into a man who died right there in the pharmacy section of the store, but isn't dead any more! Thank You Jesus!!!

This month, there were many out of town guests who received accurate prophetic words, mega "hot seat" ministry, and left New York soooo encouraged by the love and passion for God that they experienced with this amazing group of people.

Another young lady who has only been saved about a year went home a few weeks ago to see her family and found out that her Catholic Grandmother was diagnosed with diabetes. On a previous trip home, she had led her mother and sister in the prayer of salvation, so on this trip, she began to lead them all into declarations of healing from the Word to contradict this diagnosis. Her mom called last week and said that Gram went to the doctor to get tested again, and the doctor said, "I don't know what happened and can't explain it, but our tests show that you don't have diabetes." Yay God!

Every single week, God is calling us all to new levels of intimacy and dependence on Him. One young man "got his mail read" by Holy Spirit, and was able to see God's love and purpose for him in a tangible way. When that happens, it gives you the confidence to step into those things that have been hidden in your heart and see them become a reality.

A word of knowledge was given in a service about pain in someone's right shoulder. A woman come up with pain in her right shoulder, neck, and back. After praying that God's perfect love engulf her life like a cocoon, she felt the warmth of the Spirit and was totally healed and pain free!

So hopeful to know that our God is ALWAYS in a good mood!!