In a room packed with abandoned worshipers who came with hunger and passion to pursue the face of God, it was a night of expecting HIS Presence to transform us!

* Everything changes when He comes and His presence consumes our very being!

* Can you hear the sound of a company of radical lovers of God, calling for the atmosphere of Heaven in unity and one voice? This sound reverberates the very foundation of the earth, as sons and daughters of God are being revealed and take up Kingdom positions in their spheres of influence, with boldness and humility.


* What is HOPE? Confident expectation in God’s character and His ability to fulfill HIS promises. He has a great track record of being God.

* Just like a pregnant mother is "expecting"...we are to confidently expect God to fulfill His words over our lives.

* Though Abraham could’ve given up hope, he ‘hoped against hope’ because he respected the promise of God, did not waver in unbelief, and grew strong in faith – which resulted in God being glorified. God had him counting stars that represented his descendants long before he had a child or even the possibility of a child. That is hope.


* In a day and age when it’s crucial to have proper alignments in relationships and ministry associations, it’s also important to look at what we’re aligned with in our thoughts and belief systems. As Bill Johnson says, “We cannot afford to have one thought in our heads that is not in His.”

* Are we aligned with God’s perspective (truth and faith) in how we think about ourselves, our lives and how we respond to others? Or are we aligned with unbelief? When we are aligned with unbelief, we empower the enemy.

* What are some areas of unbelief that are hiding in your heart?
- I don't deserve to be loved.
- I’m not talented enough to do what God has called me to do.
- I’ve made too many mistakes.
- I’m not as spiritual or as gifted as the person next to me.

- God doesn’t speak to me like He speaks to everyone else.
- I’m not qualified for this job.

* Jesus, though He was God, was not able to do miracles among the people because of unbelief, as we read about in Matthew 13:58

* Mark 9:23 says, “ALL things are possible to him who BELIEVES.” When we believe, we align ourselves with God’s supernatural ability to create unlimited possibilities. This is why the enemy attempts to undermine our faith and cause doubt and unbelief in what God has spoken and promised to us, just as he did, with Adam and Eve in the Garden.

* Ask God to reveal th
e areas of hidden unbelief, confess it as sin, and look into His Word to see who you are. Then align yourself with God’s perspective instead of unbelief.


* God is always speaking. Sometimes without words. When we quiet our hearts and focus our eyes on Him, He speaks mysteries – using images and words, to communicate His desire for us and our destinies.

* This week, take the challenge to tune into Him and become conscious of His Presence, even at the most inconvenient times and places. (i.e. At the conference room, as co-workers are going around and around over the same problem and a solution is needed; On Monday as you’re on your way to work, in your car, during rush hour; When you’ve just received a report about a job loss, a medical problem or a reoccurring family issue).

* When we become still enough to receive His life, His wisdom and His words – creative ideas flow in ways we’ve never imagined, solutions to puzzling problems become glaringly clear, truth is released into situations...and not only do our lives transform, but we also impact those we’ve been called to.


* This is NOT a season to just look for a "job." Don't kid yourself...EVERYTHING is strategic in this hour. You may not see it in the natural, but atmospheres are being prepared even now to receive what YOU carry. Even as a woman's body begins to change and prepare to "house" a baby, there are changes being made in order to "receive" you into your POSITION OF INFLUENCE. You are part of birthing the Kingdom in a strategic place in the Spirit, as well as strategic "physical" areas where LAND is needed to come under the subjection of the Kingdom of God.

Let’s live with an EXPECTANCY of God fulfilling His promises as we fully believe and trust in Him!


  1. This is a powerful word and a powerful time - keeping the expectancy is the challenge but it will be worth the stand and the fight. As I heard Benni Johnson say, "don't kid yourself, everything is prophetic", so it is time for all eyes to be wide open and ears to be anointed to hear direction for every next word and every next step. SJo

  2. I am so glad I linked to this blog through facebook link on a friends page. Today as I am reading through all of your posts I know YHWH has orchestrated this day of rest for me to be in His presence. So much of what you have written in these blogs, speaks exactly to me today even though you wrote them so long ago.

    YHWH, our Abba and Saviour, knew exactly where I would be today and what I would be suffering through. He brought me to this page for some much needed encouragement and faith building testimonies. I am glad He caused me to read all the way through and that He caused you to write these and keep them posted. May YHWH continue to bless your work and labor or love for him as He is faithful to support every act prompted by our (your) faith in Him. shalom and ahavah and baracha (Peace, love and blessing). Keep up the love work. Hope to get a chance to fellowship with you guys on my next visit to NYC. Shalom

