Every year at CKE is simply amazing!!!! Life stays incredibly busy and so miraculous, with so many new faces and so many God-stories, that we can't even keep up with our blog and journal all of the details. Here are SOME of the highlights....there were just so many. Forgive us if we have missed anything and please add it in the comments below.


- Thousands of treasures have walked through our
apartment door and pursued God with radical passion in worship and prayer!
- Ministry with CKE is overwhelming. Many mak the best decision of their lives and accept Jesus on the streets and in our worship services. There are radical healing and miracles right before our eyes. Deliverance from demonic strongholds happen in the midst of worship. The accurate prophetic word of the Lord touches us all as we align our vision with His Kingdom perspective and destiny words began to take form and turn into reality.
- CKE BLISS in Manhattan and NJ continues to grow and expand as we dive into the Word of God on a weekly basis and watch God come in and teach us how to be a counter-culture to what is exemplified in NYC as LOVE, HONOR, and ENCOURAGEMENT became the theme of our lives.


- World changers meet rain, shine, or snow nearly every single
Thursday to see the love of God explode on the streets of NYC...there were literally Signs and Wonders In Manhattan every week. With "Treasure Hunting", "Dream Interpretation", "Tattoo Reading", "Random Acts of Kindness", "Prophetic Christmas Cards", and "Love Encounters"...many experience the compassion and the power of God on subways, in Starbucks, on the streets, in Grand Central Station, and in Port Authority bus terminal.
- There were CKE members who travel the world, ministering in Brazil, Mozambique with Iris Ministries, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Africa, India and many other pl
aces internationally and all over the U.S..

- CKE goes GLOBAL!!!!
- Two of our very first CKE members and le
aders, Matt and Star Hawks, moved back home to Memphis, TN and started CKE Memphis. In 2013, CKE Houston was birthed and are reaching a beautiful group of Jesus lovers in Texas. Our ceiling is their floor as they bring love, grace, and the Kingdom of God to a religion-soaked region.
- A fearless team of laid low lovers of Jesus went into the heart of Hinduism in India and demonstrated the power and extreme love of God with CKE India and are heading back there in 2014.
They experience what seemed to mirror the New Testament as people surrounded them on the streets asking for prayer and getting healed in their bodies.
- As we take communion regularly, we pray for God to "re-member" us with the men and women from around the world with whom we were to be connected in the body of Christ for this Kingdom mandate. He continues to do that over and over again with Kingdom alignments that will last a lifetime.
- Aaron's parents, Jim and Sherry Horton, followed a Kingdom mandate, leaving Texas and everything that couldn't fit in their car, to come live the life of faith and join the CKE leadership team.
- We had the extreme honor of ministering and leading worship with some generals in the faith who have greatly impacted our lives...Georgian Banov, Heidi Baker, Stacey Campbell, Doug Addison, Tracy Armstrong, Jamie Galloway, Mahesh Chavda, Matt Sorger, Lance Walnou, Julie Meyer, Robert Stearns, and many others.

Our hearts are full...our memory banks are overflowing...our faces are plastered with perpetual smiles...and our expectation for "the next" is beyond measure. There is simply nothing as fulfilling as living in this natural world with a Kingdom perspective. Life just keeps getting better and better!

Living like we've arrived!!!!!


From the moment we landed in Delhi, India...the sights, smells, colors, noises, animals, and people demanded our attention!! What a thrilling, exhilarating, chaotic, beautiful and colorful nation. We landed on November 5th as India was celebrating, Diwali, known as the "Festival of Lights." For Hindus, it is one of the most important festivals of the year. There were fireworks going off until the wee hours of the morning and the entire city seemed to be lit up as homes were decorated for the holiday. What a perfect day to land in this nation and be carriers of JESUS' love - the Light of the world!!

VARANASI - 'holy city'

The next day we took an 11-hour train ride to Varanasi, considered a 'holy city' among Hindus. It is situated near the banks of the Ganges River, where they bathe in its 'sacred' waters to be cleansed of their sins. Here they cremate their dead because the Hindus believe they will have straight access into heaven, bypassing the lengthy reincarnation process. In this setting, the CKE team began our ministry in India!!! After all the planning, praying, and dreaming, we were finally beginning to see the reality of what the Lord had been preparing us for.

During a sunrise boat ride on the Ganges River, we declared Varanasi as a city of LIFE and not death. We declared it holy unto the Lord and prophesied that this region would see many souls come to know the extravagant love of the Father, the redemption of sins, and the abundant life Jesus died for!!


While in Varanasi, we ministered at a village church where the entire congregation passionately worshiped Jesus with so much joy and enthusiasm!! As we shared, people were getting healed and set free. We invited them to come forward for prayer and the Holy Spirit gave us accurate prophetic words to speak over many.

The next church we ministered at wasn't as responsive, but we kept plowing the ground with love and freedom. Holy Spirit gave us words of knowledge for physical needs and specifically, respiratory problems. Soon, two people stood up and responded. Then the floodgates opened as one by one, people began to come forward and receive accurate prophetic words, healing, and great encouragement. What began as a tough crowd, ended up being incredibly responsive and impacted by the love and power of God!!

The next day another Pastor heard about our ministry on Sunday, tracked us down, and had us come to his church & training center to pray prophetically over his entire staff. The Pastors and local leaders were so encouraged. They fed us delicious Biryani for lunch so it was absolutely worth it...ha ha ha!!


As we prayer walked and prophesied on the streets of Var
anasi, we were approached by a man to pray for his leg, and soon were surrounded by 15-20 people asking for prayer. There were so many people healed immediately...from back problems, to knee issues, and rotator cuff pain. We could hardly keep up with what the Lord was doing. Shopkeepers were actually leaving their shops and running into the crowd asking us to pray for their physical healing. It was almost like seeing the book of Acts come to life!!


In the city of Agra, near the Taj Mahal, we visited the Mother Teresa's home. Our team, as well as Pfizer, Colgate, and other companies had donated medical supplies and goodies to take to the orphanage. While there, we held babies, sang to the handicapped children, danced in the courtyard with the mentally challenged, and walked through the home speaking the mind of Christ over many of the 200 residents.

One of the sisters informed us that the mentally challenged people are totally unresponsive. That didn't deter us as we blessed and spoke the mind of Christ over each one! Soon the entire courtyard was filled with normally unresponsive people, who now were smiling, laughing and talking as we sang over them about the goodness of the Father. Before we knew it, the entire place became one big dance was like JESUS showed up to shower His love on His treasures!!!


After another long train ride back into Delhi, we ministered at the Sahara House, a Rehab home where drug addicts, alcoholics, and aids victims are going through treatment. We led worship, preached, and prayed for many of the residents. Even though many of them feel like an outcast from society and family and see no purpose for their lives, the Lord sees such incredible value and worth in each one of them!

One man came up to us with tears in his eyes and said before we had arrived, he had spent considerable time looking for a scripture verse and didn't know where it was. He was surprised when we began to share on Jeremiah 29:11 - that very scripture that he had been looking for. This was a confirmation to him that God deeply loved and valued him! Another gentleman was healed of an arm injury and was able to lift his hand without any pain, after we prayed for him!! God is incredibly thoughtful about our specific needs!!!


We also ministered at churches and a YWAM base in Delhi, through worship, preaching the Word and praying for Pastors, leaders, and many who came forward for ministry. The Lord gave us accurate prophetic words to release over them all. Their faith was built up as they saw God highlight very specific needs they had and showed them in a tangible way, how much He deeply loved and care for them!!


Our last event was a concert for the youth in the heart of cosmopolitan Delhi. Two rock bands opened up the night...with screaming guitars, lights, smoke and head banging music lovers!! The words of life that were shared made an impact on many in the auditorium. There are 348 million young people between the ages of 15-34 in India...Imagine the lovers of God, leaders, reformers, and history makers that are in that age group!! What an amazing thing to team up with a national ministry called LiveJam, that just finished a nine city tour reaching up to 40,000 kids at various public schools!! We had a common desire to see a generation of radical, world changing youth be unleashed for cultural transformation!!

The heart and mission of CKE India is to raise up sons and daughters who will know the Father's extreme love, be secure in their identity in Christ, use their gifts to shine in their Kingdom purpose, and to dream and co-labor with the Creator to impact their culture and nation!!

We will be going back to India soon to build and expand what God began on this groundbreaking trip!!


Can a TESTIMONY change us? Is there something released as we share our stories that can transform lives around us? When we impart stories of God's goodness, doubt turns to faith, fear turns to courage, and disappointment turns to expectation! The very atmosphere shifts when we release HEAVEN'S REALITY in the face of natural "facts"!


"Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Matt 6:10

This should be our focus in prayer. When God gives us a revelation from His Word, it is to help us pray with that focus in mind! ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Let's exercise our authority! "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven." Matt 18:18


~ While praying in the East Village, I saw a woman in the spirit who felt trapped with no way out. She was completely surrounded by darkness and God reached down and plucked her out of a compromising situation and set her in a safe place. As we walked further, one of the women on the team revealed that the person I saw was her! She was blown away that God met her right there and gave her the strength to do what she needed to do.

~ Our team sat with and listed to a group of homeless guys. God gave us prophetic
words over their destinies and physical needs. They were blown away. One of the guys kept saying he was a scumbag. I responded, "No, you're a treasure. I would be a scumbag too, if it wasn't for Jesus." God gave me a picture of him being a speaker at prisons and high school assemblies. His friends agreed saying, "You're so right. He is very well spoken and articulate."

~ As I was praying the morning of SWIM, I saw a picture of a tattooed man with nodules all over his body. The tattoos looked like a timeline of events in his life. Later that night, God highlighted Dave as we walked through the East Village. Amazingly enough, he had been a target of God's love the week before with some girls from our group, who had a word of knowledge about his leg that had been shattered. He experienced healing and was not limping at all this week. We showered him again with destiny words and God's love!

Dave then introduced us to his friend Justin, who had a reputation of being really dangerous on the streets. With a huge "F...the Police" tattooed across his chest, he fit the profile. On the street corner, he experienced deliverance as we declared the mind of Christ over him and even felt the power of God hit his chest. He then turned around and prayed for Dave. They were both served LOVE by three preppy girls with LOTS of BIG ANGELS and a BIG GOD!

~ During a prayer time, one of our team members received the prophetic word "cookie". She had no idea what it meant. Later, we felt led by the Lord to stop at a psychic shop and the women inside was named "Cookie". She allowed us to pray for her and bless her. She was very receptive as we prophesied over her destiny and imparted the LOVE of God to her, all the while making a HUGE deposit of the Presence of God in that place!


~ During a worship service in NYC, the leader began to spontaneously sing, "let there be light" and as I sang with her, I felt something open up in me! As a five year old, I had experienced abuse from my father. In that moment, I was taken back to that place and began to cry from a deep place in my gut. Right then, God picked me up, held me, and was bouncing me on His hip while we worshiped. My crying turned to laughter as He began to shine His healing light on that wounded place.

~ Then, at the last CKE "seek" during worship, I felt a heaviness and knew God was doing something in me again. I realized I had to give up control and allow Him full access to the deep places inside of me. He then opened me up like a cabinet door and pulled out clusters of sin that looked like black stones. He highlighted some of those stones as "self hatred" and "hating my body." I confessed this as sin and felt God working and restoring me right there during worship.

God is so GOOD. He is always in a GOOD MOOD. He is WITHHOLDING NOTHING from us!!!


This was a spontaneous song by Aaron Horton & Johanna Macden at CKE Identity in Manhattan on July 30, 2010. The pictures span the last 2 years of ministry on the streets of Manhattan and in times of worship at Creative Kingdom Expression (CKE) "seek".



Get ready...get ready...get ready...put your seat belts on! There are legendary adventures to be had in God's Kingdom and He longs to share them with YOU! This was a word the Lord gave about the month of June, we encourage you to declare this over your lives and trust in God's ability to keep His word over your destiny.


This month life will be going in one direction and all of a sudden God will invade the scene with His breakthrough power and things will change - everything will change!

Major strongholds will fall and crumble, and dreams and prophetic words received years ago will come to pass quickly, right before our eyes.

Those things that have been assaulting us will be no more! This is the last time the enemy will have a stronghold in the area of lack. (Specifically address the area you're believing victory for.) We are going from faith to faith, victory to victory, glory to glory! Not from lack to more lack or stress to more stress. NO MORE!

This is the month of unique God set-ups, extreme creativity, and surprising Kingdom alliances!

This is the month of walking in abundant prosperity - land FLOWING in milk and honey!

This is the month to experience the culture and atmosphere of Heaven like never before!

This is the month to encounter the laughter, delight, and pleasure of Abba God like never before!

This is the month to bask in His goodness and tender affections, to know Him and His ways, and to encounter the depths of His Presence like never before!

This month everything will change - SUDDENLY!

Isaiah 65:24
- "It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear."

God is always faithful and has a great, proven track record of keeping His promises! If you are weary in waiting for His words to come to pass, remind yourself of His character, His Word and His love for you!

  • Note down the limitations that are holding you back (finances, past disappointments, unbelief etc.) and present them to Him.
  • Talk to Him about those hindrances. (He loves honesty...He's not religious!)
  • Trust Him in and with the process of seeing those words come to pass.

  • Declare His Word over your life!
    (Here are a few scriptures to get you started: II Corinthians 1:20, II Peter 1:2-4.)

  • Now begin to thank Him for the fulfillment and manifestation of those desires He's deposited in your heart!

Be sure to leave comments of what God has done for you this month and what you're expecting to see fulfilled! Your testimony of breakthrough will build someone else's faith!!


June 17th & 24th 5:00 - 7:00 pm

(Signs and Wonders In Manhattan)
Prophetic Evangelism Outreach

Manhattan, NY

June 18th 7:30 - 10:00 pm


Manhattan, NY

June 20th 6:00 - 9:00 pm

CKE Worship Team leading at the Matt Sorger Monthly Meeting

Crowne Plaza Long Island

Holtsville, NY

June 26th 12:30 - 5:30 pm

CKE Prophetic Evangelism Intensive
$10 registration fee

(15 min. from Times Square)

June 26th 7:00pm

CKE Night of Worship in New Jersey
(15 min. from Times Square)

If you would like to join us for any of these events, please email for location and details.


Imagine a body of believers that are so together in unity that not one person is left behind as entire groups tap into the heart of God and experience His tangible, transforming Presence. What if we had this mindset: We will not let anyone be left behind in what they’re believing and dreaming for. Imagine the breakthroughs and creativity that would come out of that culture of unity and encouragement!

When we corporately begin to make much of the Word of God, pursue His Presence, declare the reality of Heaven instead of the natural "facts", and dream the dreams that He has placed in our inmost being, then we will see transformation on a large scale. We will be examples of purity, of supernatural peace that passes all understanding, and perfect love in the face of fear. The world will have no choice but to take notice!


As Bill Johnson says, “The ‘reach’ of His presence is transformational in nature, changing the climate that people live under.” There may be many areas in our lives that need God’s transforming work. Even now, just focus on one area that you desire change in, and as you believe God’s truth, instead of the ‘impossibility’ of that situation, you will begin to experience radical changes for the better.

It all begins with seeing ourselves as God sees us, thinking what God thinks, and speaking what God speaks. Whether it's getting out of debt, improving in time management, overcoming a physical or emotional issue, or a sin that keeps us in its grip...the enemy would want us to buy the lie that we are powerless and nothing is changing. But, when we put our trust in God’s word and see our lives from His perspective, He gives us the supernatural ability to be who He’s called us to be. The very area the enemy wants us to be bound in, is the very area God will begin to use us in powerfully!


Make a declaration today, to speak LIFE and HOPE over your lives, dreams, and relationships! Unbelief and fear will fulfill their own expectations if we give place to them. As you choose to speak in alignment with what God says, the Lord will bring increase and restoration. From that place of building a foundation of Heaven's reality with your words, it has no choice but to supersede the natural "facts" that may be surrounding you.


What would life be like without dreams? God is the One who gave us the ability to dream and it's so good to know He hasn’t given up on our dreams, or on us. When we release the pain and disappointment of unfulfilled dreams and begin to dream again with the One who created dreams, He imparts hope and life into us.

Isaiah 42:3 says, "A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice.”

Even if our dreams are a bruised reed or a dimly burning wick, His breath is powerful enough to breathe fulfillment and give us the strategies to see those dreams be made manifest in the natural.What better time than now to see your dreams come alive? What better people than you and me? God has good intentions for your life...the Dreamer is in the room...what are you willing to dream about with Him?

There is a dream that is straight from the heart of God. That dream is for men and women to begin to see the reality of Heaven take natural form and effect not only them personally, but begin to cause everyone around them to be caught up in the draft of their transformation. Let's take a stand together to see NO ONE LEFT BEHIND!



The evening started before
there were even any introductions with a clear prophetic word as Holy Spirit completely took over. ~ There is a ‘cupid’ angel in the room. The Lord is going to assign more ‘cupid’ angels all over this room. These angels are going to follow you guys. Not just for the single people, but for those who are married as well. They are trumpeting LOVE, the LOVE of God, and a LOVE for each other over you. Hear the sound of love. The season of singleness is over!


Hear the sound of love. There is a frequency o
f love that the world and creation depends on. Love is the culture of the Kingdom of God that is within you. You are the expression of love. God created you to be, the very expression of love in Heaven, here on earth. There is a vibration of love that will shake the nations, because you are a reflection of Jesus, who is PERFECT LOVE. Even as the vibration that is within you will shake the nations, imagine what happens when relationships are formed to create notes, melodies, chords and harmonies. This is the sound and the music God has written that is coming together... shaking, moving, and perfecting.


Romance is related to royalty in the Kingdom of God. Only when you truly know who you are in Christ, as one who is an “heir of God and joint heir w
ith Christ” (Rom 8:17), can you truly love as you were created to love. In the midst of a society where divorce is prevalent, covenant is cheapened by selfishness and convenience, and love is mistaken for lust or greed, how can we find TRUE ROMANCE? It is in the place of intimacy with God, where He is telling us who we are, then inviting us into this EPIC LOVE STORY with Him. Here we realize we are not orphans scrambling for anything we can get, but instead sons and daughters of a Father whose resources are immeasurable, and whose love is perfect.

(spontaneous songs)

Spirit of Romance come...awaken our hearts...awaken the sleeping he
arts...let love’s fragrance fill the air, intoxicating air like a thousand roses...take our hands and lead us out of the shadows into the light of Your garden. Let it be safe for us to be fully known...for You to receive us the warmth of Your safety, where we can truly be ourselves in intimacy with God. Look with Your eyes into the faces of each of us God and impart the bearing of royalty. Impart the substance of who we are in You...the spirit of adoption. As You awaken our desire for You, we realize that our love and passion has been asleep. Burn in our hearts from the inside out. Let us be Your gold. Let us be men and women who know we carry this huge resource of Your Kingdom. Spirit of Romance come! Cover us with Your Love!


Love wins as God resurrects that which has been broken and dead. Jesus is writing His children’s LOVE STORY, and He wants US to consume the world with it!!!! The picture of Hollywood is fading. The picture they have painted of love is fading. The
world is waiting to see real love and real romance. As you have unveiled your heart, EPIC LOVE STORIES have begun to unfold. God is establishing the standard of purity that reveals perfect that can never be for a lifetime. That purity draws us into worship, making us beautiful, and stirs up a love that is real and untainted. Love is in the air!


Jesus is fighting for you! He is here winning your trust back, from those who have broken your trust. Angels are aligning you. New breed. Transformation. You thought you were headed one way, but He is aligning you in a different and right direction. Holy alignment. New friendships. Wholly aligned. New relationships. Marriages that are a sign and a wonder. Holy alignments...everything to glorify the Lord. There is a red carpet in the Spirit where people are being aligned in Kingdom relationships. I did not create you to be alone. You were created for relationship. You were created for love. You were created for relationships in love. You may not see it, but I am working on your behalf. Be alone no more. I’ve created you for love. The King is escorting the bride down the red carpet and pairing people off. There is a pot sitting over a fire in the hearts of everyone in the room. Inside of that pot, love is marinating!!!


With great leaders all around us who have marriages that are falling apart, there is an assault of the enemy, not only against existing marriages, but also marriages that have yet to take place. There are “BABIES OF LOVE” that the enemy is trying to kill even as Herod, in his fear, killed babies of a certain age in order to attempt to kill Jesus.
The enemy is trying to implant seeds of fear that will choke out the love that God has planted into hearts of men and women who have fully committed themselves to Kingdom purpose. It is imperative to rise up against this spirit of fear. It is time for Godly marriages and relationships. They are crucial in this hour to be a sign and a wonder. Marriage is the reflection of Jesus and the Bride. It is time for a group of radical lovers of God to be joined together in covenant relationships because they must break the back of divorce and break the back of fear. This isn’t just ‘fear of marriage’, it is FEAR...Godly marriages are key to breaking the back of FEAR because perfect love casts out all fear!


We declare that our relationships will be a reflection of the selfless, pure love of Jesus. We declare that we will stand up at the altar of marriage as a sign and a wonder with no regrets as a testimony to the nations. We declare that existing marriages will be restored to the picture God painted them to be from the beginning. We declare that PURE LOVE is rising to the forefront!!!